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I work with men, women, and teens who have experienced collective trauma, individual trauma and abuse, DV, anxiety, grief, loss, and current social disruption. I specialize in helping clients grow in ‘way-finding’ in a dominant culture that would like nothing more than to ignore and forget your voice.

-Danielle Castillejo


Our Mission


Through our therapeutic relationship and journey, a process occurs that is a journey toward healing, and transformation. I have an eclectic approach to therapy which includes cultural identity, gender identity work, faith, and social understanding which moves towards healing. I am trauma-informed.

A process of integrating body and narrative helps the client consolidate new experiences into a new way of being. I see the person as a whole and seek to work with you to break down barriers to care and healing. My own worldview and lens is from the specificity of my cultural, sociological, and faith journey that shapes who I am, and I approach others with that in mind. 

“Compassion isn’t just about feeling the pain of others; it’s about bringing them in toward yourself. If we love what God loves, then, in compassion, margins get erased. ‘Be compassionate as God is compassionate,’ means the dismantling of barriers that exclude.




If you choose to reach out and we embark on a journey together, it will be one that is co-created. I trust my body and intuition. I trust your body and intuition. We will work with both narrative and somatic narrative. I believe our bodies tell a story.



I’m Danielle Castillejo. Over the course of my life I have lived in Morocco and traveled extensively. During that time I found healing and restoration through therapy and happened on the book, “My Shining Affliction” by Annie Rogers.